
Hi! I’m TC. I’ve been an educator for eight years and counting. Alongside teaching, I also did some academic writing, contributed articles to published books, and well, I also have an ample experience in the field of — oh wait, this ain’t a job interview, right?

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Hey, so I love watching Netflix. I mean, anyone who doesn’t? Also, I loooovve reading books! I literally can sit all day in a café, without any gadget, as long as I have a good book (seriously though, I left my phone one time and I didn’t mind). 😂

Anyway, why name the site introvert1me

To be honest, I used to be an ambivert but the lockdown due to the pandemic transformed me into a full introvert (I know, right?). In any case, what better time for the world to hear introverts’ voices than now? 

So, here are the things you can expect from this site:

For one, I’ll be posting for y’all daily good vibes! Though to be fair, I won’t promise all my posts will be positive ‘cause let’s acknowledge and accept the fact that there are bad days! During such, get ready for my rants — or shall I say, “reflections”. 😆 So, be sure to check out my Blogs page that features both inspirational posts and those that showcase the not-so-pretty truths of life.

Also, you’ll be seeing a lot of reviews of the movies or series I’ve watched and the books I’ve read. It will not be your typical review though — it will be more of a close-reading write-up and reflections on selected lines from a book or a film. So be sure to check my Books page and Movies / Series page. 😉
Let it be known as well that I am a language enthusiast! So from time to time, you might see posts written in a foreign language. In any case, I’ll try my best to make an English version for each!

Cheers to the ups and downs in life! I’m sure we’ll get through and we’ll thrive for our mantra is…

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Lastly, cheers, fellow introverts! 

This site is not just mine — it’s OURS.
It’s introvert1me!